Zine Callout for JTR #4 – Taboos, Kink, Sex Work, Desires…

Curious & poly adventurous peeps!

It’s time for a new collection of our stories to create Juggling the Rainbow #4. It’s been a very long time coming!

For this issue I would like to focus on specific “underground” themes which have links and intersections with polyamory. Have a look if any of these speak to you or portraits parts of your life, your identity, your occupation, your innermost… :

  • Taboos*
  • Kink
  • Sex work
  • Desires

*The term “taboo” comes from the Tongan tapu or Fijian tabu (“prohibited”, “disallowed”, “forbidden”), related among others to the Māori tapu, Hawaiian kapu, Malagasy fady; introduced into English by Captain Cook. So colonially tinted in the way the Western world uses it!

I am interested in how you experience and deal with taboos of various aspects of polyamory – with your lovers, with your friends, in your family, community, culture, society… Where are the links between kink and poly and where are differences? … How does working in the sex industry change how you regard sex, intimacy, relationships? … Are there desires around relationships, sexuality, gender that you wish were possible but they clash with your current reality – or society? …

If it’s not you, totally fine. Maybe you know someone else who might be keen? Please pass it on!

Submissions to: jugglingtherainbow@gmail.com

By: February/March 2018

9 Strategies for non-oppressive polyamory

by Janani Balasubramanian

Polyamory doesn’t get a free pass at being radical without an analysis of power in our interactions.  It doesn’t stop with being open and communicative with multiple friends, partners, lovers, etc. We’ve got to situate those relationships in broader systems of domination, and recognize ways that dating and engaging people (multiple or not) can do harm within those systems.  Our intimate politics are often the mostly deeply seated; it’s hard work to do.  But I thought I’d get some conversation rolling by destabilizing poly as a ‘more radical than thou’ thing.  To that end, here’s a list of ways to do polyamory without being awful and oppressive:

Read full article HERE

Hard copies around the globe

Although my search for and networking with shops and zine distros around the world is totally still in the works – here are some of the places where JTR hard copies have made it so far:

The Freedom Shop (Wellington)

Sticky Institute (Melbourne)

Jura Books (Sydney)

Bus Stop Press (France)

Marching Stars (UK)

Bluestockings (NYC)

Have advised them all to sell zines for the price of the copy cost. Some shops may surcharge a tiny bit on top to maintain shop rent (fair enough).

If you know someone who runs a disto/shop and could be interested in stocking JTR, I’d be grateful if you could let me know.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! forward widely!

On Second Thought: non-primaries write about polyamory

Seeking zine submissions on your experiences with hierarchy in polyamorous relationships. What does that even mean? We wanna hear about your experiences with lots-of-rules poly, no-rules poly, and primary-secondary-etc structures in your poly relationships, whether explicitly negotiated, unspoken, accidental, or whatever. Especially seeking writings about your thoughts, feelings, experiences, mistakes, lessons learned, joyful surprises, etc, as a (current and/or former) non-primary partner, broadly speaking.

Send submissions by June 30th 2013 to onsecondthought@riseup.net

(This call out is not for Juggling the Rainbow but topically related zine).

Issue # 3 is OUT

Time flew and now, two month later, issue # 3 is finally out… oh joy! Another wonderful cover and another 10 interesting stories plus a comic fill the pages. I am really excited!

Go to Zine Downloads to find the PDF.

If you have feedback or criticism, it is most welcome.

Thanks to all the people exploring multiple loving, brave writers and curious readers!

Extended deadline for Issue # 3

Super nice summer in the southern hemisphere makes us friends, strangers and lovers spend more time on beaches than at computers – fair enough (and this includes myself).

Therefore the deadline for JTR #3 is extended to February 23rd 2013.

Please spread the word again, so this issue will be as diverse, voluminous and fun a read as the last two.

With best wishes for creative wonderful writing hours on desks and beaches, under apple trees and umbrellas, in bed and trains!

Short trip to Europe

For December I will be in Europe and I have a few hard copies of JTR on me. If you are in Europe and you or an info shop/archive/zinefest are interested in one or more copies, please contact me jugglingtherainbow@gmail.com and we can arrange cheap postage etc.

The call-out for submissions is still running hot. I had major issues with the old email and having had to close it down might have lead to missing out on some great stories. If you submitted something and have never heard back from me, it’s not because I didn’t think your contribution was worth consideration! Please email again to address above and I will get back to you asap.

Wellington zinefest was an interesting experience, although the zine scene is heavily influenced by artists and I have the slight feeling JTR was for most people an too out-of-it topic. The great thing to discover was, that the people who have similar guidelines around zine publishing as well as topics, are already my friends 🙂

Call-out for zine submissions: JTR issue 3

Dear friends & strangers near and far,

It IS time again to start collecting stories for JTR # 3. Here is the call-out to contemplate, to forward to others around the globe, your circle of friends and lovers; and to respond to (of course):

[For those who don’t know Juggling the Rainbow yet, it is a collection of personal reflecting stories about non-monogamous (non-exclusive, multiple loving) relationships and friendships. The idea is to share our experiences of creating relationship models beyond the norm of society. Much talk is about the struggles (boundaries, fears, jealousy) and equally much is about celebrating the joys (abundance, growth, friendship). All of us have differing ideas, needs and practices of how non-monogamous relationships can be lived and it seems that naturally those things also constantly change as we go along and live it].

As usual, there is no specific focus but “personal writings on non-monogamous relationships” (the idea is not so much to share academic/theoretical/ too philosophical work – I want the real-live-experience ;-).

Whatever angle you want to take, story to tell, medium suits your story best (poem, comic, interview, article, stencil, collage …) is up to you. If you need some inspirations to get you started, here is a list of loose themes or questions I collected:

– Why do I chose an alternative to monogamy?
– Jealousy and boundaries (negotiations)
– Poly – queer – race-ism – culture – gender
– Coming out as non-monogamous (perception/judgement/reaction of outsiders)
– Poly /alternatives & children
– Relationships, mental health and recovery
– Conflicts between mono needs and poly desires (between partners)
– Do multiple relationships effect my friendships?
– What practical stuff / tips can I give to others (eg. living/together, safer sex, time management)?
– How was/is the “opening up” process within an existing relationship?
– …

Please contact me (new email) for questions and submissions:

Deadline for submissions is 20th of January 2013. (Put this in your wall planner 😉
Please let me know what NAME / synonym you wish to publish your piece under!!
Articles that have been published elsewhere and fit in with the zine’s focus (personal story), are absolutely welcome.

I can’t wait to receive your stories and create another beautiful zine together.

with queer love & anticipation!